Pulling the chair away and sending BlueBoy to the Brig!
Wonder what's happened to TTH, the show can't go on without her
Waiting for the cat o'nine tails!
Why cause you are a typical dirty minded male who wants to see TTH take her hand off her chest and hug Dutchy? Who would whip you for that....or is that what you really want?hmmmmmm.
Group Hug on the way
No groping, just grouping
..... ok - well, get a little closer then - c'mon - don't be shy now boys - we don't bite - TTH will join us when she is ready.
Okey dokey you bad boys and sweet girls :wink: kidding...
I must go...boys are needing some attention now that the movie is over...thiink I will go give them a warm bath and feed them supper. have a good evening/day sweet folks.... :wink:
Take care mismi - hope the boys feel better soon. You look after you too
Always happens, when the hugs are on, mismi disappears, I'm so disappointed
Bye Miss mi, thanks for your company, I had a swell time!
Where's the girl crew all gone?
Can't you handle the boys by yourself?
Well of course - you are the deckhands aren't you?
bye mismi40, sorry to see you leave
and Dutchy you thought Izzie was all alone HA!
HA - that's my girl - the Beautiful One was taking a little swim in the ocean
This deckhand is at your service Izzie, what is itg that you need right now? :wink:
As for you TTH, where were you, when the hard questions were asked.
Well - any more nonsense about Beautiful One's hands going a wonderin - then 2 little boys and their 2 little toys - may just have to walk the plank
Meanwhile - there's a few decks to scrub - or we could just put some music on and have a bit of a dance.
Whaddya reckon?
Where was I? Lets see......looking up info on the net (business dealings). On hold on 1 phone line listening to dance of the fairy things which means IRS, talking on the other line about a funeral service, then calling to order certain parts for equipment to use for our business. Talking to my mom about my dad. Chasing my dog who is hiding because she knows I am mad at her and faxing some rate info to one of our clients.
Now, aren't you glad you asked?
Oh, and don't let me forget my other 1/2 calling and being an ass about something I didn't even do.
Can I take a break now?
A bit of music and a slow dance on the patio would be nice after all the 'yabbering', coming right over.
Oh, okay Dutchy give me your coordinates and I will have the lear jet ready and waiting