Sat 9 Feb, 2008 08:47 pm
It's an affiliate link that pays commissions, so I am nervous about changing the code. But the link image is way too big for me to use anyway, so I have to find something. I tried changing the "height=" and "width=" at the end of the code, but I guess that refers to something else -- it didn't do anything.
sorry, I don't know the proper form. I guess you can see I cut the < >.
a href=[...] target=[...]onmouseover=[...]onmouseout=[...]img src=[...]border="0" alt=[...]//a
img src=[...]width="1" height="1" border="0"/
is the link image hosted remotely?
Then its size in pixels is fixed. You are finding out some of the gotchas with these affiliate scams.
The size of the remote image doesn't mean you can't display it at a different size.
Post the whole affiliate code (without your affiliate ID) and someone can better help you. There may be css you need to override as well.
contrex wrote:Then its size in pixels is fixed. You are finding out some of the gotchas with these affiliate scams.
Do you believe I am being scammed? How?