hanno wrote:I could see where it would depend on the womans intentions or lack there of to give birth, and that either way calling it two is a valid generalization.
But if mommy decides to end it, I mean, if a bum needed some of my blood to live and I said no, who could blame me? Just because the symbiotic relationship is part of a woman's traditional role in society I don't see why it's so sacred. I find the whole thing insensitive toward bums. And that's worst case scenario, person vs. person, whereas unless there's a little mysticism in your thinking, there's got to be a point before which the abortee is not a person...
OK, so the mandatory abortion thing I said was mainly rhetorical - but with unfit mothers, and birth defects, and overpopulation, you get my drift, if someone choses abortion why argue?
Taking a passive attitude toward assisting a stranger (a bum) ..............
.........and taking active measures to slice the body of the unborn limb from limb with a scalpel and suck it out with a vacuum cleaner ......
........................are two different things.
Do you understand the difference between active and passive?
But the real question, as you touched upon it, is:
EXACTLY when does the unborn become a person?
Do you know?
If not, doesn't it make sense to allow the benefit of the doubt, rather than recklessly going forward and exterminating (what even you admit) could be a human life?
Forget mysticism. If man has no 'spirit' or 'soul' , then the body is all there is, right?
On that basis, the unborn is as human as he is ever going to be.
Why is it human 'if mommy decides she wants it' and NOT human 'if mommy decides she doesn't want it' ?
The attitude of the woman cannot be a rational basis for deciding if one is a living human being or not.