I have the A2K Forum Index bookmarked in My Favorites, so I go directly there and stay logged in.
I click Your posts and respond to any that interest me. I also would like to be able to delete old posts from that list that no longer interest me.
I then click on New posts and open any topics that interest me, and look for a topic I plan to post to see if someone else has already posted it to avoid duplication.
I rarely use the Unanswered posts click.
I don't use email updates at all. When I first joined A2K, I used them but they drove me nuts and I stopped all of them. From time to time an old one will pop up and I reset and delete them.
I like the PM updates because that's the only time I look at that heading.
I nearly always use the spellcheck when posting. Sometimes I forget to and after posting, I discover a misspelling or typo. I wish the edit at any time was restored so I could correct those booboos. The lack of ability to edit after a reply has been posted means my booboos remain uncorrected.
I often use search by text or search by username for more efficient use, duplication avoidance, and for retrieving old posts of mine and other posters.
I click on the Portal and go to recipes whenever I want a recipe for my own use or to provide information to other posters. That's about the only portal site I use.
I use the Image click often to post images.
I use the bold and italic clicks most often to separate my comment from another's article. I use, but rarely, the Underline, type size and color options when appropriate.
I use the Quote click frequently in response to another poster. I usually only repeat a specific portion of the quote and get annoyed when other posters repost an entire article, which just wastes space.
I use the Emoticons when I want to clarify my post.
I almost never respond to ads on A2K and usually ignore them.
I love A2K. Thank you Craven and Jespah.