Mon 25 Aug, 2003 07:53 am
If we define folklore as "tales about characters that develop a tradition amongst a community" - (as opposed to myth, which we may define as tales about how the community/world came to be) - do we as a community have a folklore yet?
I was moved to ask this by Craven's wonderful gallop past some of the denizens of this enchanted wood here:
(The long post in question is towards the bottom of the page.)
So, folklorists, what do you have for us?
(Heehee - just to get us started - Little k's fabled left underwire from Abuzz made it here - in pictorial form, for the first time!)
He he, and ner nuts fell off too!
Oh boy! This was my first "real" post on Abuzz ("Abuzz Folklore") and I learned a ton.
-"Back" (as in "I'll be back") is spelled "bavk", 'cause of Merry Andrew.
-Craven (I think) has started some kind of weird phonetic dialect thing that is starting to catch on ("yew", "Ima goan", etc.) I refuse to subscribe. (And that's me being matronizing.)
-"Wimmins are evil" is longstanding. Mins are too.
-Lots and lots of bunny stuff.
-Lots of farty bunny stuff.
-Smeg. Smeg waxes and wanes but it never smegging goes away.
-Slappy Doo Hoo wants my kidney. He ain't gettin' it.
Will think more...
There were great Avatar losses.
A bunny was dressed in a pink polka dot bikini....
There were quite a few santa hats around at one point, or perhaps that was just a vivid dream I had
At one point, sounds accompanied PM notifications, but alas, that is now but a mere pipe dream.
Canard! Libel! Merde! Unsinn!
That pussy cat with the peanut butter toast was a hoot! As was the one made all desperate and clawing! There is the tale of The Great Avatar Massacre - memorialized by a stubborn Merry Andrew in his "someone nicked my avatar" avatar!
The tale of buttered cats in perpetual motion is indeed a hoot, but not quite an A2K original. It be famous.
Craven's dialect be funny. I dare anyone here to come up with a more charming word than breastacles.
He's also started 2 mysterious religions which both seemed to somehow involve throngs of nekkid womens.
And Sozobe once joined an evil conspiracy just to be able to grow a killer moustache (and she made many a man jealous)...
Breastacles is good - as is Mr Happy....a certain Little Blue Space Booger has also become of a folkloric item himself, depite having forsaken his true livery for such stuff as Garrulous Gorilla, Nuns Wiv Guns, The Eyeball Thing, Space Chimp, Eat More Christians and such inferior things...
I am crushed by the thought that Dan E did not invent peanut butter pussy perpetual motion...
(I was not allowed into the conspiracy...waaaaah!)
Little k's search for lerve on the net has become famous - as have Gustavratzehhoffer's dismal capybara swamps, his peculiar penchant for scantily clad little wimmins, and his odd appetites for protein...
The creator of the legendary insegrevious paradigm is an active member of a2k, as is the originator of "dangly bits".
There's the affair from afar between Montana and Wilso... sweet & touching, but doomed because she is afraid to fly.
Spelled phonetically, of course, dys.