Fri 18 Jan, 2008 07:59 am
Here's a quick question for movie junkies--
What movies have had dolphins play a significant role in? Silly yes, but I was looking for a dolphin equivalent of Jaws.
Additionally, if any novel or other work of fiction that fits this bill comes to mind, please let me know!
Here's the first one that came to my mind...
The Day of the Dolphin
From the 1970's, I remember enjoying it.
"Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" centered on the investigation of a kidnapped dolphin (who was the team mascot for the Miami Dolphins football team).
I know its not a movie
Ah, but Flipper was a movie. A really bad one, as I recall.
I recall an earlier flipper too. Wasn't the TV series based on an original movie?
David Brin has some very adept dolphins in his Uplift series.
Orcas make dandy villains.
Boy on a Dolphin, from the 1950s.
And Zeus and Roxanne. Roxanne is a dolphin. (from the 1990s)
That is the second spam posted on this thread. Is there a special reason why it is attracting these kind of posts?
Oh, and I have to thank you all for the responses. I knew I could depend on you guys!
spidergal wrote:That is the second spam posted on this thread. Is there a special reason why it is attracting these kind of posts?
Because it's in Reference, which shows up on the Home page. I'm going to move it to Film (which is kinda where it should've been anyway) and that will likely stop or at least slow down (no guarantees with spammers).
Le Grand Bleu (The Big Blue) directed by Luc Besson in 1988.Don't be put off by the title.It is an English language film where dolphins play a huge part in the life of our "hero".He even rescues one from an aquarium and releases it into the wild.
I love this film 
There's also a few in Titanic,but only for a few seconds,so that doesn't count.
Does anyone remember a movie from the 1980's or 90's about a girl and a dolphin or an orca. She used to play music to the Dolphin/or /Orca using her recorder. Then one day she is driving a boat trying to escape someone and falls out of the boat and hits her head. The dolphin/Or/ Orca saves her life. Does anyone remeber a movie like that?
i love that moive i just found it La grenouille et la baleine and its in english
The Tadpole and the Whale