hi dutchy how are you?
i saw you on net helping a guy to get a job in adelaide so i thought if u can help me to. i am moving to adelaide from india and my problem same as of smile dust that i came to know that there is hard to get a job in adelaide, is it true?
about me # my status is that i can work for full time in Australia.
# i have exp of 3 yrs in sales and markeitng of pharmaceutical products
# i also have exp of 2 yrs in HR recruitment
# i also have exp in FMCG sector of sales in co -opertaes ( pharma products )
i also have exp in produciton deptt of vitamin and few drugs prepration.
and above all i dont mind working in same mentioned line or any other stream... i know about carrierone.com seekjob.com ....
my quesutions are if u can help:
1) will i be able to get a job there in adelaide? and how?
2) what do u suggest regarding renting a home?
please mail me at
[email protected]
thanks in advance