Quote:Even if the invaders are desired in the country at the time by the majority of the country's population and by its democratically-elected government?
The US is an invader, plain and simple. It was not invited, it invaded.
And you are refering to the Puppet governmment, are you not. If the Iraqi govt told the US to leave, do you really think they would?
As far as I can see - not a chance in hell - which makes them an invader still.
Quote:It's not as black and white as you are making it out to be.
Oh you can certainly draw shades of grey through this case. But in the end, and invader is an invader is an invader. Trying to put a different slant on it is a very western thing to salve ones conscious and make it look like 'we' are doing good. 'We' invaded, plain and simple.