Hi, Dadpad. That is a great article. It shows that either that is a really crappy newspaper, or you guys really don't follow american football all that much.

They're talking about Ben Graham from the Jets, who beat the Raiders to seal their spot in the playoffs...the only problem is that none of that happened and the Jets aren't even in the playoffs. That whole article is wrong in too many ways to fix.
Here's what's really happening.
Gargamel, do you share my vision? Brady and his teammates walk off the field silent, dejected, and all but ignored, while a crush of fans and reporters crowd around Favre as his teammates carry him on their shoulders to the stage that has been erected on the fifty-yard line for the trophy ceremony. He is greeted with a thunderous fourteen-minute ovation. Tears are flowing freely from the eyes of every man, woman, and child in attendance as the old fighter waits for the crowd to settle down, and when they finally do quiet down, the whole stadium goes as quiet as a cathedral. Brett, overcome with the emotion of the moment, looks out to the crowd and begins to speak.
Okay, that's as far as my vision goes at this point, but still, it's pretty good, right?
Packers vs. Seahawks. Less than three hours to game time!