Hey, I've increasingly been having trouble finding things by Search.. I'm sure I remember a post, I go look it up with Search, and I just cant find it back.
I've just blamed some increasing inability to search properly.. or just memory failure (mine). Often a post was just a little differently phrased than you remembered, and doesnt have that one word or name you were sure was in it.
But now I caught one. I was looking for a post that I knew Okie wrote about Romney. I used Search to find posts by Okie with the word Romney. The top result was from 30 December:
this one. Nothing since.
Then I used the option of looking up Okie's most recent posts, and hopp!, there it was:
Okie's post I was looking for. From 4 January. Which has the line, "Huckabee and McCain ganging up on Romney."
So why doesnt it show up in Search?