superman kicks hulks butt anyday. No doubt about it.
...unless that green skincolor comes from kryptonite...
So superman wins the fight
Given such a situation, other variables are also likely to start playing a factor. For one, fear of impending accidents / your own death might severely hamper the ability of making a rational choice. The speed at which all of this is happening... etc.
Still, in the ideal circumstance, the choice not to act is still a choice, so therefor, given that you have no way to identify the individuals, or they are all strangers, the only logical answer would be to take the turn and kill the one.
What a MORAL person would do then, however, is, as soon as he is capable of stopping the vehicle, to find the victim(s), see if he can help, and see if he can identify them in order to contact relatives etc.
I think such a situation could be compared with hitting a deer with your car. The thirst thing you do, even though it is not a good advice, is to get your foot on the break.
In this case the break is not working.... I guess most people would just crash into the five workers.
Killing five men or just one. No decision can be the "right" one.
Yeah, there is no "right" answer.
I think most people would instinctively steer anywhere but at the human beings, not in a scraping attempt to slow the car, just in a panicing attempt to not hit someone. I'm not sure it would be altruism either, you could call it selfishness, people will do a lot to maintain a belief in their own integrity.