Saw it.
Luckily, I was in Florida where Senior priced tickets are issued to anyone 60 years and over so I only wasted twelve dollars. (The cute ticket seller did a nice thing and a bad thing: she gave my much younger wife a Senior discount--- but she didn't card me.)
Where was I?
Oh... yeah.
Philip Seymour Hoffman wastes more than twelve dollars being in this movie. Tom Hanks... Jesusgod, Tom, what were you thinking? And Julia Roberts is looking for roles where she can play an older woman, but in this movie she has to have one scene in a bikini. (yum, if you like skinny women.)
This is a film about great, huge, massive historical events that runs 97 minutes and spends about 2/3 of that time trying to be wryly funny. Watch the
There. You have seen and heard all the good parts.
Joe(at least the popcorn was fresh)Nation