What is HTML?
HTML stands for the HyperText Markup Language. HTML files are plain text files, so they can be composed and edited on any type of computer... Windows, Mac, UNIX....
How do I make pages using HTML?
You can use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor like Dreamweaver (the best for advanced users) or Front Page (best for beginners, if you have MS Office you probably have this). Or you can simply use notepad. Using notepad isn't easy for a beginner. I can visualize a page looking at the html but for a beginner it will look like jumbled code.
Don't fret. HTML is simple! If you have questions about HTML I'll answer them.
I copied the source code from this forum and it doesn't work, why?
Because this forum isn't made with HTML, each page is generated on the fly by the server. This is a dynamic page running off many pages of PHP code and a database and parsed by a PHP engine. It's not a static HTML page. This is a basic HTML tutorial and does not deal with dynamic database driven sites.
When I have time I'll write up some tutorials about other code such as PHP.
Back to HTML:
HTML is a series of tags that are integrated into a text document. Tags start with an angle bracket "<" and end with a slash "/" then the angle bracket ">".
Here is an example:
This would show up as:
This would show up as:
A basic page's HTML would look something like this:
<title>Title of Page</title>
<h1>Page Header</h1>
<p>Some text text text text
<p>Some text text text
If you copy that bit of HTML to notepad and save it as: filename.html you will have an html page (you have to save with the .htm or .html file extension or it will be a text file ( .txt ).
Open the html file in your browser and you will see.
The part bewteen the head tags is not seen on the page. The part between the body tags is what makes up the visible part of a webpage.
In the next tutorials I'll explain what different HTML tags do.