Quote:Christians like to claim that there are tons of documents proving that Jesus existed. That claim is completely false. Almost all the "documents" were created by believers who based their texts on stories they heard from others. There are practically no documents that were written by independent, reliable, secular sources.
When I used to go to church - about 15 years ago, they said that the only
surviving historical document mentioning Jesus was written 100 years after his death, by (I can't remember - someone in Rome), saying 'that man Jesus is still troubling us'. I've never bothered to verify it, but it does contradict what you are saying above, re the 'tons of documents' belief.
Quote:Considering all the miracles that Jesus was supposed to have done, and all the people that were supposed to have followed him and his teachings, there is an amazing lack of any mention of him by all the writers from that time.
The use of 'supposed' before ' have followed him' is rather amusing for it's obvious manipulative qualities. That said, from what I know, there is certainly a lack of historical records mention of his name - I've never looked into whether it's amazing or not