kickycan wrote:dlowan wrote:I.thought.god.just.grew.up.a.mite

Exactly. And what happens when we grow up? We change. So god changed. And if God changed at that point, then how do we know he hasn't changed since the new testament was written? It's been about 2000 years since those gospels were written, so how can any preacher or bible thumper possibly claim to know what God really wants now, when they're going by some book that was written so long ago? Maybe god decided that gay people are cool back in the 1500s or something. Maybe he's the one who actually made them decide in Roe V Wade that abortion should be legal. It's been a long time. God might have changed over these 2 millenia, so maybe people shouldn't be taking his two-thousand-year-old words as if they were etched in stone.