I haven't the foggiest idea what's going on here which means I am a perfect contributor to the digression thread. So -- consider yourselves digressed upon or with or at or whatever.
And anyway, how is everybody doing on the other side of the world (and which side is the 'other' side)?
Cheezits, this thread goes fast. I had to read up twenty two pages since my last post and I am certainly glad I did, what with Craven's illicit photo of Debbunny and MA's new job and the trip plans for Oz and the finding of a Malamute as a campus icon. Oh, and the male brain, I loved that and want one for myself, the link that is, not the brain, I like my own brain, or rather, I am used to it, it is so ingrained with whatnot and its feedback that I could not get along with another one, or without this one.
Monday night here, which is my Sunday night as I work Saturdays, and so I have the mondaynighttummyclench. Not like the old days when all hell was always breaking loose at work. Tomorrow's just a presentation which we still have to do two drawings for, but that isn't until 1:30, piece of cake she says.
Cake. Carbohydrates in that. Nooooooooooo.
Debacle! That was udderly fowl!
Welcome Bandylu! We are honoured - youall come along wiv ussuns and footle all you wish! I believe we are doing fine and sort of spiffingly, really - if you don't count various nasty things our federal government is doing.... but I digress...
Poor Osso. Now - tell me - is it of advantage overall, in the joy/misery, comfort/discomfort stakes to convert your Monday to Tuesday, or your Friday to Thursday?
Fowl, is it? And wit udders, no less? Never thought much of chicken breasts, they don't waggle when they waddle but their wattles wobble.
Hi, Kara ... :wink:
Ol' Debacle had a farm ee - eye - ee -eye - oh!
and on that farm he had some cats, eee-yi-eee-yi-oh
with a fft fft here
and a fft fft there
osso -- well, you're back at work now, and probably more industrious than i (i not being in industry at all but employed by the twin devils of wasted energy -- academia and government -- and were i industrious surely they'd think me an unmotivated fool or a quiet threat, they -- the administrative types, the types who can't survive the harsh competitive environment of the outside world and so incubate themselves for hatching into retirement -- to foully foul up the fowl digressowl (an owl is no fowl) -- they -- to return to that, which is where i left off, back there -- they not knowing, i suspect, what distiguishes industriousness from industrialist -- differences in part-of-speech identity (can anyone tell me the word for that? surely there is one, though whether it be a noun or an adjective i know not, nor will i venture to conjecture), and they not trusting industrialists because of their association with industry, which, as previously stated (or not), is not in effect here) -- where was i? yes, questioning ossobuco, which mustn't (that is to say, it generally is but doesn't have to) be made from veal, yes, osso, my question, at last: the north of northern california could be oregon, doncha know.
huh. turns out that's not a question at all.
here a fft, there a...
Apple pie this.Apple pie that.What´s next?
Doris Day?
She's not a Second Digession, just eye candy. On second thought, maybe you are right? I'm in a State of Confusion!
Had a good voice though,ol´ Doris.
lovely digression patio! give the doggy a filet mignon.
doris day and apple pie are REALLY streeeeeetching my tolerance levels this early.......
I'd pay good money never to see an image of Doris Day again . . . that woman is truly barf material . . .
Okay, send me some good money and I'll take it off.
(Oddly enough, I think I've said that before...)
Well, i won't be back to this thread 'til y'all put some more pages on . . .
Patio! You are just being naughty now!
sometimes wonder why I bother opening threads.....people just muss 'em up......what thanks do I get........whole lotta cleaning to do......fights and stuff breaking out all the time......I need a little drinkie and a nice warm bath.....
A Sentana sandwich around Doris Day - now that is a sight!