Thu 21 Aug, 2003 09:22 am
Isn't it interesting? The US changed our tune from "irrelavant" to "PLEASE HELP!" I guess Bush and company sees the writing on the wall for the next election, and must act before it's too late. More body bags coming home from Iraq will not be a good selling point for reelection. c.i.
Makes sense.
Invite the UN in and ask them to take some of the blame for the sorry state of affairs over there.
I'm sure the UN will accomodate them -- but I cannot tell you how much I would love for everyone to tell Dubya, "It's your mess. Clean it up!"
According to the latest news, Annan said the UN will reduce staffing in Iraq by one-third.
It would appear from the response they are getting from the UN the answer was very similar to Bush's credo
My way or the highway.
It seems Russia, Germany, and France are still leary of the US offering.
I believe what the are getting is commonly called "A Finger". And France as usual is leading the pack.
Just heard on the radio recently that Turkey and India are also leary of US leadership on Iraq, and will not commit without UN support.
One of the correspondents covering the UN was asked what the consensus of members was regarding the US request. The answer,"You made your bed now lie in it". No great surprise there.
The unfortunate part of all this mess is that the creators of this mess isn't paying for it; the American people are! c.i.
People around the world already think we are masochistic. There may well be some truth to it.