Sun 2 Dec, 2007 04:38 pm
...So what was the frigging twist at the end everyone is talking about???????
Was his daughter the real killer? And who the phug is William Hurt's character supposed to be?
This movie bored and confused the hell out of me.
REALLY?! I liked it (not in the sense that it will become a favorite that I'll ever watch it again, but it was an interesting way to spend an evening) and, in fact, William Hurt was my favorite part of the movie- I loved his line where he was watching the photographer walk away from the car and he said, 'I don't like that guy - and even if he was charming and funny, I STILL wouldn't like him.' I kept thinking, I wouldn't mind hanging out with this guy -he's a riot (William Hurt- the Kevin Costner side got on my nerves- although again, though I'm not a Kevin Costner fan, and almost didn't rent it just because he was in it, I think Mr. Brooks is my favorite of his characters).
I interpreted William Hurt to be Kevin Costner's character's evil alter-ego. Because apparently a characteristic of serial killers is that they are able to compartmentalize- and I took the William Hurt character to be the side of Kevin Costner's character that had always been with him, knew him most intimately but had totally fucked him up in terms of functioning appropriately in society. Despite that, Kevin couldn't be without him.
I think the twist was, that Mr. Brooks, who had so competently terrorized others, now would never get a good night's sleep again, because he'd forever be looking over his own shoulder for his own daughter.
I don't know - I thought it was all incredibly psychologically interesting.
Watched it 2 nights ago. It was a good enough movie, kept me interested.
I kept wanting Costner's evil side to go talk to his daughter's evil side...