Wed 28 Nov, 2007 05:19 am
Freedom is an ever expanding comprehension
Society is not a collection of individuals but is a system of containers.
Non-philosophical forms of inquiry are intellectual endeavors constituted by certain basic assumptions. A scientific form of inquiry assumes that the world is an ordered whole and that we can, through reason, acquire knowledge of this whole. The world of science is governed by laws that define causal effects that are measurable and perceivable by humans.
Reality may be a rainbow but it is the case that humans reason from within container like boundaries; thus we are always within a container. However, the trick is to enlarge our containers and thereby gain a more universal perspective. We must find a means to examine our assumptions. Each container is constructed with its own assumptions. That is why philosophy is so useful. It is a container within the largest container, or at least Philosophy likes to think so.
By reading backward we get a sense of the universal and the relative, the essential and the arbitrary. We can form the basis of reading critically with questions to act as our guide to understanding. We can learn to see beyond the surface appearance. We can learn to stop our general practice of sleep reading. We have learned in our schooling to sleep read, sleep listen, and to become apathetic regarding all things intellectual. By reading backwards we can begin to comprehend the irrational assumptions of our superficial consumer culture.
Freedom is an ever larger container.
So if I read everything I read backwards, the picture will all become clear will it? What exactly are these "containers" that we are all in?
perceptual and conceptual in nature. As such, they provide a bridge between language and reasoning on the one hand and vision on the other."
Quotes from "Philosophy in the Flesh" and "Where Mathematics Comes From" Lakoff is coauthor of both.
Classical metaphysics tells us that reality is a myriad of containers each with its own essence and now I discover that such categories are not in reality but are in my mind. Most everyone, like myself, is attuned to this classical metaphysics plus gut feeling that we are dealing with containers and not a rainbow, this is very important.