Mon 26 Nov, 2007 11:38 am
It's about time the Brits do the same thing.---BBB
You can just vote her out? I thought her representative, the guy in the white hat, could just dismiss your premier whenever he stepped out of line?
We may have to send a gunboat.

Are you going to design a new flag?
Let's have some suggestions about the design.
Kangaroo silhouette with the southern cross in indigenous flag colours.
Yeah, why not?
I like it!
Seriously the republic debate is divisive, unfortunately. In actual fact the majority of Australians are up for being a republic - they just can't agree on what form it should take.
Many are unhappy with the idea that the parliament selects the GG/head of state (which strikes me as odd because that's more democratic than what happens now) and want US presidential elections for the head of state. Which is nuts because the head of state is largely ceremonial here - certainly doesn't have the ability create legislation (though does have final say on enacting it) and likewise executive power in most circumstances lies with the PM and govt.
So the investment would be enormous for a largely ceremonial position. It would be like voting for the Australian of the year - can you imagine? Kylie Minogue would get it over and over. I'd rather have a learned panel considering the aspirations of all sectors of society and coming to a consensus. Oh gosh, that sounds like parliament.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! There's something so .. so
dynamic about an angry koala!
hingehead wrote:Seriously the republic debate is divisive, unfortunately. In actual fact the majority of Australians are up for being a republic - they just can't agree on what form it should take.
Precisely, hinge.
The Queen is as irrelevant to us these days as we are to her.
It's working out the
technical details of an Australian republic that cause the delays.
dadpad wrote:How bout this one.

Heh heh!!!! I like that one.
Nobody'll ever dare think we're cute again.
And...if they do...we'll piss on them and give them chlamydia!!!
Contrary to the ethos of this thread (whatever that means) there was a great TV documentary on BBC TV last night about The Queen, and it involved the royal visit to America.
If you get the chance to see it, please do- it was great.
And it was strange for me (a lukewarm republican, but I can't quite make up my mind about it) to see these Virginians falling over themselves in an effort to make the royal visit the best ever. Quite star-struck with Her Madge, they were.
The monarchy has a hold where you don't expect to find it.
McTag wrote:
The monarchy has a hold where you don't expect to find it.
I suspect you're overreading McTag - it's not the monarchy the Virginians (or anyone else) are fascinated by - it's celebrity.
Well, is that not what the monarchy represents now? The ultimate celebrity?
Added to which- The focus of the nation? The manifestation of the unbroken blood line? Our highest aspirations made flesh? The symbol of nationhood and universal motherhood?
Ah, the heck with it, let's elect a four-year president, eh?
When Liz buys a piece of the farm - then there'll be some soul searching....
This is close dad, but I want a black southern cross top left, at a 60 degree angle...
60 degrees huh.
You dont want much do ya.
I cant do it Hinge. My drawing program and my skill are not that advanced.
Heres a variety of southern crosses if someone else wants to have a go.
Which reminds me that the name Subaru is Japanese for the constellation Pleiades.
Is that the same?
Maybe the country could be renamed Subarulia. Could be a good earner.
The kangaroo design is strong dadpad, but it looks more like an airline emblem than a national flag.
I was surprised to see that E II R´s visage is long gone from their currency.