Well, I'm going to look horrible here....
Fist Fights? HA! I was 34/35 during the last one, but I'm not going to talk about that one (No, I didn't get my ass whooped, but it was who I was fighting that I would rather not discuss or the circumstances around it)
I've had the unfortunate experience of being in several good old fashion fist-fights. There are a few that stick out in my mind, some that are funny now, and some I have regretted. I've never went looking for a fight, but if it comes to me, I've never backed down from obliging it. I'm going to stand my ground, even if it means I have to get on my knees in the dirt before its overwith. Hmm, seems the only one's I've allowed to run me over are my own family...then at times, enough was enough...
One that sticks out in my mind, I was 28, well....ya'll know my sister, my father had passed away and hadn't been buried yet, we were in his home and I was in charge of picking out his clothing for him to be buried in. Of course, to my sisters distaste, I didn't pick the right outfit for him. She run her mouth at me one too many times, and the next thing I know...I punched her right in the mouth, knocked her through his closet door and into the floor, then piled on her ass right there in front of my Preacher Uncle and my Aunt who had to pull me off of her......She looked funny with a fat lip at the funeral....now that I think about it.
This fist fight at 23, it involved too much moonshine. The fight got started over a lie told (not by me), a set of car keys jerked out of the ignition, my arm being cut in the process....and the next thing I know is that we are rolling out of the passenger door of the car into the ditch. It was one helluva fight too. We whooped the piss out of one another that night...and were still best of friends for a long time afterwards....
At 22, well...I was provoked.

Of course! All I will say is she shouldn't have put her finger in my face and called me a Bitch, because that was the last straw. The next thing I know, I had done punched her in the mouth and crawled all up in her ****. My husband is pulling me off of her, in the meantime, each time he would try to grab my arm to stop me from punching her, I punched him with my elbow which throwed him off and I'd return to hit her. (I had her around the back of the neck with one hand, so she wasn't going anywhere) This went down in the middle of a county road, so I had plenty of witnesses. To say the least, I had done something many in our circle of friends had been wanting to do for years.....still talked about to this day too, and laugh about me doing more whooping on my husband than I probably did her. That woman to this day still tippy toes around me, as well she should. She damn sure don't point fingers at me anymore either...She's my frweeend....
I need to stop here...lmao, talk about joggin' the memory. Seems that Bitch word and that finger pointing has started more than one fight in my life, some even involved a man or two...over it. (OMG, I'm HORRIBLE)