When was the last time you were in a fistfight?

Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 11:04 am
I haven't been in a fist fight since age eighteen. I needed to have stitches in my upper lip (the punch caused my teeth to push a hole through the inside). Maybe you can see the scar on my avatar.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:09 pm
kickycan wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Me? Never.

O.K. that's it! Put up your dukes! It's go time, missy!

I didn't say I had never FOUGHT.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:16 pm
Well, I sparred every week when I was taking karate, but I don't suppose
that's what you mean. We had padded gloves and boots and various
protective gear so no one got really hurt.

I got into a rather nasty fight way back in 1979, but nothing but a couple
of shoving matches -- quickly broken up -- since then.

OK, now 'splain.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:32 pm
Not since I was a kid and I never won a fight.

I bounced for a while, but never had to get physical. The fact that I never backed down told them that I was either crazy or tough. In truth, I am neither.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 08:56 pm
Never, unless you count the kidergarten chair fight (I myself broke a chair on classmate's head and he smashed one across my face. I don't remember why, but I'm sure we looked lovely. My dad pretended not to recognize me when he came to pick me up, what with bruises and swelling all over my face)

I do have some valuable boxing training though, and hopefully enough of built in reflexes from it that i could snap a quick straight jab and a left hook when it came to that.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:05 pm
Dang, what a let down, Dag....(the chairs were cool, however)

I figerred a lady boxer would have lots o' stories...

I bounce my sis's bar some weekends, but have not thrown a punch in a VERY long time. People spoiling for a fight are usually better being dealt with verbally..., by a sober person... :wink: (backup is ALWAYS a good thing)
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:07 pm
I didn't know WWF sponsored a kindergarten.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:09 pm
No fistfights here, I wouldn't know how to throw a punch. I'm more of a sneaky fighter. I once put a cupcake under an annoying colleague's butt just as he went to sit down, and once I deliberately dumped a pail of soapy water out of a third story window onto some guy's head. I prefer not to get too close to my victims, as I have slow reflexes.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:13 pm
I've only landed a real punch once.

Grade 10. Bunch of friends messing around playing badminton and tossing frisbees. CJP kept saying he was going to kiss me. I told him I'd hit him if he tried to kiss me.

He kissed me.

I punched him.

He went home with a nicely developing black eye.

His father was my homeroom teacher. He laughed for weeks every time I came into homeroom.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:13 pm
GreenWitch, sneaky is always the best Laughing

Might also mention that there seem to be a really large number of angry sixth grade girls that apparently we should be very careful around Shocked
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:22 pm
ehBeth wrote:
I've only landed a real punch once.

Grade 10. Bunch of friends messing around playing badminton and tossing frisbees. CJP kept saying he was going to kiss me. I told him I'd hit him if he tried to kiss me.

He kissed me.

I punched him.

He went home with a nicely developing black eye.

His father was my homeroom teacher. He laughed for weeks every time I came into homeroom.

Were I CJP, I'd've left town and changed my name!
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:34 pm
I did a baaaaad thing against a former boss that was for Nixon.

We never discussed it.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 10:12 pm
dlowan wrote:
kickycan wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Me? Never.

O.K. that's it! Put up your dukes! It's go time, missy!

I didn't say I had never FOUGHT.

<punches dlowan in the face>
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 10:47 pm
kickycan wrote:
dlowan wrote:
kickycan wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Me? Never.

O.K. that's it! Put up your dukes! It's go time, missy!

I didn't say I had never FOUGHT.


That's an unprovoked attack.

I shall now do to you the things I have done to men who attacked me:

1. knee you in the balls

2. pick up my bicycle, spin it in a circle and mow you and your friends down, then get on it and ride away very fast

3. run away
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 11:07 pm
Eh...5 maybe 6 years ago.
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 06:27 am
I have never had any fighting skills, even back in sixth grade [when we too were surrounded by violent, hostile schoolgirls,] the boys from my neighborhood fought with a kind of ritual. First, there would be yelling, sneering, some so's-your-old-mans and maybe a couple of shoves, then we would be at each other with more wrestling going on than actual punchs. The idea was, even in the mud of March or November, to pull the other down, get on top somehow and make the little sumbitch say "I give." If you could, you got his arms pinned under your knees and then started punching away until the "I give." came. It was the height of bad behavior to throw more than one punch after the "I give." Very bad.

Once, Steve Brown had just gotten Larry Lorentzen to say "I give" and then, to the horror of those gathered, started throwing rights into Larry's face. Now, nobody liked Larry all that much, he was a jerk in sixth grade and I'd bet a bunch he's a jerk now, but this, this was a violation of our Valley Street tribal ways. We all jumped onto Steve, pulled him off Larry and beat on him for awhile while yelling at him about the "I give."

It was never very pretty or artful and I wanted to hear some of your stories because I am convinced that brawls at any age are hardly ever anything but quick and dirty and over quickly. (I loved squinney's story. [Goldarn man, it was them's was fighting. Can't I eat first and then go?] Razz The careful separation of what's right is right, what's wrong is wrong and it's wrong to let a good meal go.

Anyway, three minute New York movie:
Night before last.
Two people, man and woman, at the bottom of a staircase on the 42th Street platform of the A,C and E line uptown.
He's got her arm, she's yelling and trying to go up the stairs.
It's Russian or Polish or something Slavic maybe. I wish Dag had been there to tell me what. He yelling and has that big schoolyard bullyboy sneer going on. She's on the edge of tears and you can tell she's really scared.

Down the stairs bounces a guy about half the size of the armtwister and, without saying a word, he grabs the guy's wrist and, like he was unlatching a gate, separates the two and steps between them. He said something then, but I didn't catch all of it. I did hear the word "lad". The bullyboy is a little shocked and he's holding his wrist, the woman steps back to the staircase railing.

And this is when the art comes in.

Bully shakes out his hurt arm and takes a swing at halfsize with the other.
It's a big roundhouse of a left. Halfsize just ducks under it. (Think being on a small sailboat that's coming about and you are letting the boom over your head.) Halfsize takes a step away from the stairs and ---just stands there. Arms are slighly tensed but not up in a ready to fight stance. Bully comes charging at him, halfsize just turns a little and just lets him pass. Bully stumbles, turns and, arms spread wide, charges again.

uh. That would be a mistake.

Two, maybe three, maybe four, left jabs, hard ones, to his now non-sneering mush followed by a straight right right straight into the sharp end of his chin,{Cue the Batman "Kapow!!} he went first to his knees before flopping to his left, out cold. The woman ran up the stairs. Halfsize looked up after her and then glanced at the pile of bully at his feet.

This all took 30 seconds, forty tops. So what's the rest of the movie?

Cops arrive. Four of them.
What happened? Anybody see?
Yes, says the crowd of New Yorkers, poor fella, fell down the stairs and hit his face.
Boy, this city should warn people about those stairs.

There is no sign of halfsize.

I remember thinking 'How beautiful was that?" There was no anger in halfsize's movements nor any wasted energy. You see those films of lizards and big insects, wop, zap, the tongue unreels, strikes and returns. Same thing here only on a human scale. Arcs and tangents, poetry and dance. And I remember being a little, I don't know, jealous, I guess.

I have never had any fighting skills, the few fights I was in after sixth grade were about the same as the ones I had in the sixth grade, yelling, a few shoves and then back to the bar. Quick, dirty and no art.

I remember thinking I would like to be able to be that calm in a fight.
And I would have liked very much to have been the one who punched that guy in his mush.

You too?

Joe(the only word I understood in all the yelling was 'Chicago')Nation
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Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 06:44 am
I've had 3 physical skirmishes with other soldiers while in the Army (over a period of almost 18 years, and all were during the first 2-3). The last one was with a guy almost my height - 6'7" - and probably heavier than I was at the time, probably about 210.
He had been harrassing me constantly over a couple of weeks whenever he saw me - just didn't like my looks, and probably thought I was scared of him (I actually was, to be honest).

He would insult the way I looked, or walked, or just whatever. I didn't even know how tired I was getting of it, until one day... We were on a detail together that involved loading and unloading a large truck from a loading dock.
He stepped in my way when I was trying to get into the back of the truck and sneered "Whatcha gonna do, hit me?"

Before I even had a chance to think about it, I had swung as hard as I could and knocked him into an involuntary right-face.

It was most satisfying, because others rushed between us, and he didn't get a chance to retaliate. He also never bothered me again.

And I understand the "jealousy" about seeing someone handle physical conflict with efficiency and calm.
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Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 03:52 pm
i was 12 years old and had come back to hamburg after having lived in vienna for a year . so the boys in my class thought they would need to test this unknown kid .
the class bully kept asking me for a fight after class , i declined , he threw a punch that split my lip ... i put him in a chockehold until he turned blue in his face and the other kids started screaming "he isn't breathing anymore !" . i let up and he collapsed on the floor . it scared me a bit , after after a few minutes he came to ... no more problems : i had been accepted into the clan of the tough kids :wink:
my mother - seeing the split lip - wanted to go and see the teacher ; i begged her not to and she didn't .
never had to physically defend myself again Laughing
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Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:10 pm
there was this time after thanksgiving dinner that I wanted a good cigar but had no cash so I beat my grandmother for her social secrurity check. She capitulated and I bought a good cuban cigar and sat on the back stoop smoking my brains out.
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Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:12 pm
We share a common bond, dys, as I, too, beat my grandmother senseless for the sake of a cigar.

We are brothers, we.
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