So I take that the two of us are in total agreement.
We as a society need to...
Supplant Democracy with Technocracy,
Restrict Television to an hour a day per household member,
Restrict The Internet to an hour a day (except email, wikipedia, google maps and other informative sites like Able2know),
Legalize relatively benign recreational drugs (marijuana, alcohol, nicotine possibly ecstacy) in small occasional doses but limit them to 81 mg a day as we do with tylenol,
Get rid of all borders and disband both the pentagon and the military,
Ban Organized Religion,
Limit time spend with loved ones to no more than two hours a day and limit arguments to no more than 15 minutes a day,
Ban all professional sports
Premptively imprison all celebrities before they go out and do something stupid that dominates the newscycle for the next 72 hours and wastes everybodies time (I'm looking at you Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears).
The main problem that remains now is how to go about imposing these restrictions.
I was thinking some grand computer and security camera based orwellian type society could work, unless you can come up with a better idea?
Edit: Oops, almost forgot about videogames. They're limited to 30 minutes a day, unless you're talking about Civilization. And diet is limited to contain 20 grams of fat per day.
Anything else I forgot? The main point of this post was to make absolutely certain that nothing was forgotten before I write a letter to George Bush with a list of great policies to push through his last year in office.
Please post if there's anything else I forgot.