CalamityJane wrote:Here it is seaglass
You're always there for people, Jane. Sometimes I feel bad for picking on you all the time.
You should Gus, she is one hell of a woman.
Could the people who can't get avatars to work, I gather for good reason, please click on HELP at the bottom of the page, and line up for help from the mods? we have had avatar trouble here for a while, in a transition period for the site, aiming for improvement.... but in the meantime, ask the mods, via the HELP link and try to be patient.
Ok heres he deal.
Select profile at the top of your screen.
scroll to the bottom of the profile page
click on show gallery
select the pic you want by clicking on the radio button below the pic.
Place your mouse pointer over the pic you want and right click.
choose copy image location from the drop down menu
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on select avatar.
you will now be transported back to your profile page.
scroll to the bottom of the page
Place your curser over the empty box relating to upload avatar from URL
left click to insert your cursor into the box.
right click (with your mouse pointer still over the box)
choose paste
something similar to "" should appear in the box.
click on submit
I know the above works because I have just done it step by step. twice.
if you cant follow the proceedure I have described It is my fault for being unable to clearly explain.
paste that into your uplaod from url box
Hey dadpad, appreciate the Instructions for Avatar Dummies! BUT -
it didn't work. The problem is that when I got to the part about right clicking and choosing image from drop down menu, my menu didn't have anything but 'copy' on it. It also would not let me paste - wasn't highlighted in the menu box. I have done this type of thing before on other forums and it worked fine. Guess I'll wait for the help desk
Oh boy this is going to be fun.
Gus found the perfect avatar for me. You saw it.
C. Jane sized it and it is presently on this thread.
Now the deal is, how do I move the avatar from her post and get it installed correctly on my account.
It's late here in Boston, and I am waiting for the Merry One to get home. When he arrives we will look at your instructions and see how far we can take it before we start crying.
Thank you so very much for your help Dadpad and I hope I don't disappoint you.
bathsheba wrote:Hey dadpad, appreciate the Instructions for Avatar Dummies! BUT -
it didn't work. The problem is that when I got to the part about right clicking and choosing image from drop down menu, my menu didn't have anything but 'copy' on it. It also would not let me paste - wasn't highlighted in the menu box. I have done this type of thing before on other forums and it worked fine. Guess I'll wait for the help desk
AHA!! I copied a photo from the gallery to my computer & then uploaded back to the URL on the profile page.
Actually I did none of the above. I used magic and curses. It worked.
go to your profile, scroll down to the buttom and put this URL
in the line I pointed out here
click submit and the avatar will appear.
Alternately, you could just right click on the photo that is posted on this thread and choose save picture as and direct it to a folder on your computer. Then, in the profile, just type in the path to the folder and the filename that you named it.
That way, if the file is deleted from Image Shack, you will still have it available as your avatar since it is on your computer.