tinygiraffe wrote:you do? this is more and more interesting.
and look what i found, per your statement:
Quote:Biblical Magi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... Three Wise Men ... frankincense and myrrh . Because these three gifts were recorded, it is traditionally said to have been three givers; however, Matthew does not specify how many wise men ...
very interesting! a new piece of trivia i'm armed with, thanks!
Something that anyone who has read the bible would know.
maybe. but then i never claimed to have read the whole thing.
i'm surprised if anyone thinks reading the entire bible is a big deal. before the printing press, it was impossible to do so, and believers did just fine.
after the printing press, when people had the ability to read it, it's obvious that most christians decided it wan't important.
i'm not even christian, and i find the old testament a lot more interesting. after all, when christians need to judge people, it's the part they dip into to justify persecuting everyone else.
so i try to avoid pissing matches about who is familiar with *every aspect* of the bible. after all, the bible something i like to talk with people about, and it's no good throwing out nine tenths of them, is it? previously, the wise men had not come up as a topic.