Quote:Feel better now that you got that off your chest?
Quote:tinygiraffe- Why in the world are you attempting to find some logic in something that is completely irrational? Different religions, over the years, have developed different customs as they went along.
because i really do try to understand them all. i think we stand to gain at least as much from grasping religion as we do from grasping paleontological history. but also i'm particularly interested in jw's right now, neo is the most interesting person i've ever talked to about them and i'm disappointed he hasn't replied yet. i was sure he'd have some retort, and it would be a lot more interesting than i could get from most people.
Quote:If I decided to bay at the moon on every third Thursday of the month to glorify my god, it would be just as rational as any other religious practice.
and i would probably, in time, be able to explain it to you. what's one fetish or another, if no one gets hurt? i just like learning about religion.
i admit, but it's obvious, that my incredulity is showing here, and my post was a bit... well, i could have been more serious, but i did have to get it off my chest
Quote:I could be wrong....but I think the problem for jw's is the picking of a specific date to celebrate, setting it aside as special.
thanks. i'm not sure, but that makes a lot of sense actually.
oh i like this one!
Quote:I can see the sense in that, in both a religious AND a non-religious context.
Look how many people get caught up in totally made up by the marketing people holidays....mothers day, fathers day, bosses day, etc. All contrived to convince people to go out and at least BUY a card.
If one wishes to honor their mother or father in a special way, I would find it more meaningful to present them with "No Special Resason, a Just I Love You" gift, rather than "well this is the day I've been dictated to that I'm supposed to do or say something that shows I love you" day.
this would be part of my answer to joe, but i didn't write it.
Quote:I 'think' you'll find, that JW's don't consider most of the holidays to be Holy, because most of them, Christmas and Easter included, fall on days that were the days Pagans celebrated certain things.
Easter was a germanic celebration of the Godess Ester (there were a few different ways to spell her name), who was the Godess of fertility, with her 'symbol' being the rabbit. Each easter the tribes would run off and propogate.
i'm already aware of that, but i wasn't asking why the don't celebrate pagan holidays. you could celebrate "christmas" or christ's birthday without any pagan trappings (or dates) and they already celebrate "3 days before easter," whatever day they actually observe it.
Quote:And for those that don't know, April Fools day used to be christmas, until they changed it, and called anyone celebrating christmas on April 1 an April Fool.
Quote:I'm sure Neologist will be able to offer something more accurate.
i am hoping, yes. some people might find my post offensive, but it was mainly written for him, and i was sure he'd be willing to overlook anything that was tongue-in-cheek, or even find an interesting argument to offset it with. maybe he's busy or doesn't think it important, but i can wait.