I Want to Be a Hero

Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 07:37 pm
For a long time (more so lately than normal), I have made the statement that I want to be a hero. It's a fun little expression of mine, and it often gets a smile out of those around me. But as with so much of what I do, there is more to it than that, and, following the example of a hero of mine, I thought I would try to be a little more open to those close to me. This seemed like a good place to start.

The concept of the superhero has been around for decades. Individuals who, for whatever reason, have abilities beyond those of the average man, and who use these abilities to change the world for the better. These stories have several unique themes I would like to discuss.

The most obvious is The Mask. Heroes assume dual identities; the Hero and the Citizen. Most people attribute this to a need to protect those important to the hero, or to allow him/her to lead a normal life. I'll accept these to an extent, but I think there is more to it than that. Which leads us to the second point.

Heroes represent an Ideal. This Ideal may vary from hero to hero, but at the core there is some value or values that the hero holds to at all costs. Batman Begins was the first movie to really explore the idea that this is what the function of the mask; to allow the hero to become more than just a man to those around him. In order to achieve the incredible feats and changes they wished to, to make the kind of difference they wanted to, they needed to become an Ideal. In order to achieve that, it is necessary to not only live up to the values associated with that Ideal, but to hide superfluous aspects. Captain America ceases to be an Ideal of Patriotism if we know that, after saving the country, he has to go wash his uniform. Such a banal and mundane task normalizes him, and in doing so, removes the Idealization.

So, what then is the role of the Citizen? In The Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan exhibits the consequences of an Ideal that loses its framework in the real world; a Hero without the Citizen becomes detached, so tied up in their Ideal that they forget why its important in the first place.

Heroes have a lot of positive effects on those around them, effects I would like to emulate for those around me. They serve as role models, setting a standard as only an Ideal can. Their mere presence gives a sense of safety and security, no matter how dire the circumstances.

For a long time, I've had a series of masks I've worn to be that Ideal for others.
The Clown
The Leader
The Protector
Over the past couple of years, I've refined them. I've been able to switch in and out of different roles, never letting anyone see the Citizen behind the Mask. Trying to be exactly what those around me needed. I've gotten pretty good at it too. Last year we took a test to see what our skills at self-modeling was, that is, how good we were at changing our behaviors to meet the needs and expectations of those around us. You were considered high if you got 7/15, I scored 14/15.

I'm still trying to find balance, to serve as the Ideal, but allow people, even if it is only a few, to see the Citizen behind it. Because, for all the benefits of the Ideal, its the Reader, who sees the both sides and their interactions, that gains the most from the Heroes actions. If I truly want others to be able to follow in my footsteps, if I want to serve as a role model, I can't just show people the Ideal; they have to see the guy behind the mask, and what he gives up to be the Hero.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 590 • Replies: 3
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 04:24 am
Have you got Asbergers?
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 04:57 am
Please help me, fungo. I am in dire need of money, sex, self respect, in no given order. You are my only hope.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 07:43 am
No aspergers, although, I haven't been tested.
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