I still stand by what I said sandyhogan.
You're talking about day by day fluctuations based on what you eat. That means nothing. Over the course of weeks/months/years it vitrually ALL comes down to calories in vs calories out.
I have gained weight (1 day to the next) on days where I literally ate ZERO food and only drank water. I have lost weight (1 day to the next) on days where I gourged on ice cream and McDonalds. Your "No, No, No, NO." argument, based on single day weight fluctuaitons is COMPLETLY FALSE, and unhelpful.
I challenge anyone who disputes what I say to be truth to keep a food journal for 30 days. At the end of 30 days if you accurately counted your calories and meals, tell me what you see in your weight gain/loss and compare that to the calories in/out.