Sat 16 Aug, 2003 10:32 pm
It doesn't appear that Roger Ailes has found the time to respond to the torrent of abuse and ridicule he and Fox have received over the Al Franken lawsuit.
The poor man is undoubtedly so busy 'balancing' the news that he has no time to explain himself. Out of compassion, I have decided to give him a hand:
(for Roger Ailes)
Fair and Balanced, Fair and Balanced,
These three words are mine alone!
I have claimed them for myself,
So go and get some of your own!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced,
Don't you EVER dare to use,
Special words that I've reserved
(and need) to perfume my Faux News!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced,
Don't you use them! don't you try!
I will sue you! whip you! ...crush you!
Like I will that Franken guy!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced
Is my Faux News ...... so am I,
I just like to have CONTROL,
....And when I lose it, I could cry!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced,
I'm like Rumplestilskin was,
Stamp my foot and get all red-faced!
(Stamping! Stamping! Stamping!...pause...)
Fair and balanced, Fair and balanced
Like my Limbaugh protege'
My Faux News has just one purpose
-- help the right-wing ANY way!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced,
Some day, that great day will come
When the media's all like we are,
-- we'll be free of liberal scum!
Fair and balanced, fair and balanced,
I am loved by right wing males,
....All who think, and live life 'rightly',
I'm your hero! --Roger Ailes.
( jjorge )
Apologia pro vita sua, et mia. I decided, as I mentioned on another topic, to trademark the color "carmine red". Thank you, thank you, and my dog thanks you. Thank you very much, yes, yes, thank you.
(Very nice work, jjorge, thank you!)
ossobuco wrote:Apologia pro vita sua, et mia. I decided, as I mentioned on another topic, to trademark the color "carmine red". Thank you, thank you, and my dog thanks you. Thank you very much, yes, yes, thank you.
(Very nice work, jjorge, thank you!)
...errr...I guess that means you like it osso?
It has always seemed so cynical to me that FOX, so OBVIOUSLY slanted to the right, owned by Rupert Murdoch* --a real 'right wingy dingy' -- and run by a right wing political operative --Roger Ailes-- would claim to be 'Fair and balanced'.
Could there really be ANYONE at FOX who believes that?
* Gee thanks Oz!!!! ......Murdoch is one import we'd have been better off without!!!
I don't ever watch Fox news. I have only a vague notion of the character you harpooned, but I recognize him for the Limbaugh reference among other things. Good job, jjorge.
Emily Rooney, who hosts a Boston public television show, used to work with Roger Ailes. On Fridays she and her guests (who are all in the media) do a half hour called "Beat The Press" in which they discuss the media.
In talking about the Fox-Franken flap she revealed that she had, in the past, worked for Roger Ailes. She essentially characterized him as a vengeful, vindictive guy.
Rooney, BTW, is the daughter of Andy Rooney the 'Sixty Minutes' curmudgeon at large.