Sat 16 Aug, 2003 10:28 am
you are not who you apear to be
you are not who you think you are
we are not all the same
but we are not all that diffrent
just tell me who are you
tell me who you are so i can tell myself that you are not that person
tell me you didnt cheat
tell me you didnt lie
but wouldnt that be a lie to yoursef
because you are that person
you are that root of my pain
tonight i lost you
you pushed me away
you lost me tonight
because i lost myself
im lost in this pain
what should i do
should i take my own life
is it worth it
should i do it for you
i hold in my hand my decision
i hold life
i hold death
as i load my weapon click click click
i feel sadness rush thew me
i ease on the hair trigger
but pull away
this is already death
Oh, my God, safecracker. Your poem is too good--too real! Has it any meaning beyond the words?
only the meaning I can't explain with words, really it hurts to think about that time in life.
I understand what you mean, safecracker. But you have found a beautiful and I hope, successful way to purge the pain.
thanks for your understanding, It's been awhile since I wrote but today has inspired me and I am writing again.
That's a strong piece of work, safecracker.
Glad to hear you're feeling like writing. Sometimes that creative urge eludes us for a while. It's great when you get it back.
Yes, ehBeth. In spite of everything, the song will be sung...uhoh..waxing rather stupid tonight..No apologies...