rosborne979 wrote: On the flip side, I wouldn't be too shocked if dogmatic mysticism wasn't increasing just as the article suggests. There seems to be a strong puritanical streak built into the core of American consciousness.
Hmmm.. Based on the numbers in the Pew research alone I'd disagree. An item Kristof didn't mention in his article is that there is a large generational rift that the Pew study identified on the necessity of God in Morality question.
When they broke down the results by generation the numbers of "believers" in the US is highly skewed toward those that are over age 65. The under 35 age group is closer to the European countries and Canada.
In Europe and Canada however, the under 35 age group was more likely to say that a belief in God was necessary to be moral than the over 65 age group.
If, and it's a big if, the numbers are accurate then it would seem the US would be poised for a plunge while Europe and Canada's number are likely to rise as the "over 65" generation passes into the night provided people maintain their beliefs throughout their lives.
(None of the other numbers he listed in his story came from the Pew study..)