Tue 9 Oct, 2007 11:45 am
Assign every letter of the alphabet its numerical value: A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on, up to Z=26. Can you think of a familiar 11-letter word whose letter values total only 39?
The best I've been able to do is....
Abecedarian (62 points)
Abracadabra (52 points)
Thanks boomerang... I can't do much better than that yet either and it is driving me bonkers.
Bonkers here too!
I love puzzles like this but in a few days I'll really hate it!
cabbagehead = 40
That's as close as I can get with my dictionary.
Ah, so close!!! That is closer than I have gotten.
Here's one for you at the other end of the spectrum. Find a very common 11-letter word that totals 205.
I know abracadabra=52
I know "trustworthy" = 207
And "sumptuously" = 202.
But no 205 or 39.
Oops - I meant 208. The word was trustworthy.
Although, torturously is 205.
208 not bad! 39 is tough though... It is obvious that it must have a ton of a's b's and c's in it... but I can't figure it out.
Haha, it has to be 11 letters.
Cabbagehead is the answer. I had a bug in my program and was off by 1. It's 39, not 40. Also, trustworthy is 207, not 208.
yeyyy I was right in one of the riddles....
And I also made another dicovery that people make mistakes in adding numbers..... even on riddle forums.
Now I believe in God.