John Dell's book talks some about team work at DELL computers and Mike S ******* , the Coach at Duke (Don't even ask me to spell his last name and I'm a dit hard Duke fan). also discusses the importance of team building. I've taught team building/work for middle and senior managers. If I can dig up the old manuscripts, I'll ask for your e-mail address and send the reference list to you. It's been a while.
A thought: In addressing team work Vince Lombardi is often cited as a major team builder. A thought to remember that he started with 50 or so members and ended up with a team of a much smaller size. Team building concerns not only staff working but selecting members for the team that that can get the job done. Counter productive to team work is to the mini speach that says "Every one is doing an excellent job. Some are not and the team knows it and thus, the statement comes across as shallow. Praise team members individually and cite specific examples of their work. Most of my materials and books are packed (we're moving). but I'll se if I can dig out some things. Tell me a little more about your article (audience, intent, etc) so I'll have an idea of what to look for I just remembered, there is a professional group of managers that has a management certification.
I can't recall the name at the moment but will find out. I'm sure they have some stuff online. Zimbardo (Social psychologist) has done studies on group development. The father did a lot of work in the 60's and 70's and his son is doing research studies today. He has a show on PBSU. You mighe look him up. I've got some management stuff on my computer. It discusses a groups acceptance of a leader. I can e-mail it to you if you want.
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