Diest TKO wrote:IFeelFree wrote:Science has nothing to say about what is non-material.
Pschology? Economics? Political science?
I should have stated that better. Scientists can certainly say whatever they want about what is non-material, but they are not being rigorous when they do so. In these fields, they are moving from "hard" science to "soft" science. As a result, these fields are often criticized as not being truly scientific. Science can only study what it can measure in the physical world and then make
inferences about those things it cannot measure, in the case of psychology, the human mind. The scientific study of spirituality, such as studies of the physiological effects of meditation, is even more removed from the underlying phenomenology.
Quote:IFeelFree wrote:
You can't test spiritual Truth and its not repeatable. Truth also has nothing to do with belief.
Sounds conclusive to me. There is no spiritual truth avalible.
That is the point of view of the conceptual mind. Spiritual Truth is only known by transcending mind or thought. The core spiritual experience is pure radiant consciousness, silent awareness, still presence, or spaciousness. When individual awareness identifies with the conceptual mind, it does not recognize this formless dimension of consciousness.