Hello All:
While I know that Setana has already smoked out Baddog1's post as being pure bait, called him on it, got him into a corner, and made him look like a fool. I thought everyone might like to know how this topic (in my opinion) came about. While I'm sure he had a few people in mind that continually call him on his B.S. but I have a feeling this was aimed at me. I am going to do it in a series of posts for readability. For some of you I will be stating the painfully obvious, so I apologize in advance, but what was I to do?
Based on Baddog1's ridiculous posts I assumed that he had no background in science and told him so. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck
This was more than his ego could stand and he went apoplectic.
Quote: Your assumption(s) reek of arrogance - and between you & I; I hold a degree in mechanical engineering, solely own three (3) U.S. utility patents, each of my design; two of which are assigned to companies in the automotive industry. On a daily basis I deal with metallurgical issues, air flow measurement & management projects and manage a $5M company. So the next time you feel the need to call someone out on a 'web post', you might want to ask a few questions first!
He basically posted his C.V. (resume). I assumed he was telling the truth, not because I'm trusting but because it suited my purposes. I also assume this was supposed to impress me or frighten me into silence. It did neither. Rather as I pointed out to him here:
I expected to get science-based answers rather than semantic summersaults as would the other people on these threads. My reason was as follows.
If you have had training in science or are just a relatively intelligent person and are dealing with someone who you think has been indoctrinated all their life to a particular belief system, has been taught science is the enemy, and who it appears hasn't had formal training in science it is easier to give their ludicrous statements a pass. You generally try to explain to them why what they are saying is so obviously wrong and can understand why it may take a long time for them to come around to the fact that what were mislead.
It's another thing entirely when you know that someone HAS been trained in science and KNOWS what they are spouting is pure rubbish with which they are trying to mislead those who don't know any better. Those are people who you DON'T give a pass. It is not only those who don't know any better they are trying to mislead. It becomes clear that they think YOU are a fool and their GENIOUS can easily provide misinformation in such a clever form that you could not possibly unravel it to show them for the charlatans that they really are.
Apparently after some thought Baddog1 seemed to have realized that it wasn't his most brilliant post and needed to head off any "issues" his pronouncement may have caused him. It appears he thought that: just as discretion is the better part of valor, so cowardice is the better part of discretion, and he valiantly hid himself away on a new post where he could post a ridiculous statement that had been answered numerous times before and their imply that this was what (another poster: me) implied, not he. He also, once again misstates my position:
Quote: As some A2K members have reminded me: Science cannot prove or disprove anything. I've also been told that science uses no conclusions - only conjecture. Conjecture does not prove or disprove anything.
Unfortunately for him Setana came along and after some Baddog1 beating around the bush, which Setana was not about to allow
pointed to the culprit: me.
Setana proceeded to cut him to shreds. And that is how (I think) this topic post got started, the reader can judge for themselves.
Please see my next thread to see the lengths this guy will go in his ridiculous assertions.