Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:39 am
Hi everyone !
Please can you help me. I have this can i put an if statement within an if statement ? how would I write if field ("ean") is not equall to none in table (packinglist) then do an update query?
IF Request("Submit") = 1 Then
Set RSE = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RSE.Locktype = adlockOptimistic
RSE.Open "Select * FROM Packing_List WHERE 1<>1", Con
RSE("ean") = ("ean")
Set RSE = nothing
Response.Redirect ("packinglist.asp?Cmp=1")
End IF
Hi Bob
How about
If RSE("ean") > 0 Then....
But you might want to test it - do you really have '0' in that field or is it empty/null?
If so lookup IsEmpty and IsNull on any decent asp site (or search for both on google with ASP).
happy trails.