Hi Bandylu:
E-Bay's a great suggestion, thank you. But I've not gone there yet. While in a springcleaning

mood this year, I told my daughter, I absitively, posolutely, was E-Baying this winter, but as she said: I said that last year, and the year before and so forth and so on. Then a friend or two stops by and asks to look at one or two binders of an old-time movie favorite, and I can't deprive them of that pleasure, now can I? :wink:
If I should ever have to move, I'll have no choice but to get rid of my collection. The main problem with getting rid of pictures, great though they may be, is that they've been removed from the magazines and most collectors are looking for the magazines intact. It's rather sad because many of my magazine portraits date back to the forties.