By the time your mature enough to make your own informed decision, your world view has been a skewed by years of parental indoctrination (so much for freedom of religion).
Freedom of religion should also mean that until a child is old enough to make his/her own unhindered decision, parents should keep there biased
Personal ideals to themselves.
This IS impossible, so, in the absence of the ability to stop a culture of theists that find it easier to convert the young, what options are there?
A perfect example would be child preachers. I'm not sure if anyone else here has seen them, but to me, these children clearly are not old enough to make informed decisions about there own religious convictions (and yet they preach to grown adults), they are merely reiterating what there parents have drummed into them.
Quote:Most religious people are not fanatical.
Religion provides a culture and community. If you are brought up in a community with a certain religion you adopt as a child your parents' beliefs. You follow your parents as you are too young to understand. But these childhood standards that you adopt are the foundation of your thinking and actions and could be very upsetting for most people who are not philosophically inclined. They are happy with the way things are and nothing you or I do can change his/her mind.
Most Muslims are not suicide bombers, does that somehow make it reasonable? NO. Those that preach the word of the fanatic ,no matter what religion or creed, empowers the fanatic to whatever he deems to be acceptable to his/her faith, even if this means breaking the very laws created to protect us. This is why Religion is dangerous.
Religion provides, not a culture, but many conflicting cultures across the globe, polarizing views that would be otherwise mutual and harmonious in the pursuit of global unity. Community is self evident and has been around ever since species realized that it is easier to survive working as a group, which anyone could agree that religion merely causes dangerous indifferences between what would otherwise be peaceful peoples.