Fri 28 Sep, 2007 10:58 am
Critical Mass is a bicycling event that happens the last Friday of every month in some cities, designed and executed by communist anarchists intent on disrupting traffic flow.
If I were the mayor of one of these cities, my police would be ordered to shoot them on sight.
In that case, cjhsa, you would deserve to be strapped into an electric chair.
Bicycling is an excellent sport and a favored past time for generations.
I love bike riding but not during rush hour
Critical Mass events can be a lot of fun.
One of our irregular regular A2K'rs participates in them regularly.
Fewer cars in cities = good.
Really? My thought is that disrupting traffic to raise awareness of cycling is like coughing on people to raise awareness of tuberculous.
Really, it's pretty disruptive, has neither rules nor organization. I would just hate to ride through a city that had just had a CM ride.
I also ride a bike.
I've ridden in plenty of them. In smaller venues, it's just a bunch of bikers who get together to ride. In large ones, they react to the hostility which is shown to them.
The fact is that they have every right to ride in whatever groups or numbers they wish. Every damn day is a 'critical mass' of cars on the road; Bicyclists have the right to ride together on a Friday if they like.
Rog: they are traffic. They aren't 'disrupting' anything.
Anyone who disagrees with shiksa is a communist and should be shot on sight.
rush limbaugh is a critical mass (that last word can be spelled without the m, if you prefer)
djjd62 wrote:rush limbaugh is a critical mass (that last word can be spelled without the m, if you prefer)
Not really, Rush is a successful entertainer not unlike Jerry Lewis. I think he has a definite place among the mentally challenged. My personal preference is Rocky and Bullwinkle.
A2K is a critical mass of retarded liberal brain matter. I'm profiling. Are you?
If they are traffic, they follow traffic laws like every other vehicles. If they do, I support them. Too often, they don't.