ossobuco wrote:
I often don't like pushed books..
heh heh, 'pushing' a book, so to speak
Bad Dog
So’s to play it straight and, having checked with the hamsters that it was OK for me to review this here, I’ll say the author is an A2Ker.
It’s about a Private Detective who’s a partner in an agency called Solent Investigation. He becomes involved in a gangland killing which, far from a normal day at the office, you’re immediately drawn into imagining the character as the plot rapidly cascades into an extreme, bizzare and chaotic world of demons and vampires.
‘A darkly comic hallucinogenic descent into madness' (blurb words). Very funny – you’re lured into the depravity of the characters with dark humour, satire and, if I’m being honest, a very British sense of humour – it storms along at a fast pace, graphic and colourful writing which does pack a punch. The tie-ins are exceptionally clever combining a kinda musical interlude with an historical journey and, very surprisingly, it made me laugh out loud too many times to count when I was least expecting it!
I read this in one sitting

and I don’t normally read books, leave alone black comedies or anything with vampires – but ‘eh, couldn’t put it down until I’d finished it in the early hours of a morning a while back.
The bit about an A2Ker being the author maybe presents me with a slight bias; his writing is animated and wholly recognisable – humour being the name of the game as you follow along into the character’s surreal world of mayhem and the extraordinary. I know fer sure of a few A2Kers here who would get such a kick out of reading it.
The author doesn’t know what I’m writing here nor’s he asked me to… so, if humorous black comedy fiction is up your street – it’s an great read and well deserves a shameless plug
Being published on 28th October 2011 by Olympia Publishers.