ican711nm wrote:Frank has frequently provided us here his theory regarding how one obtains rights. Frank has sometimes provided elegant, sometimes not so elegant, and sometimes inelegant explanations of his theory. My, no doubt flawed, research has failed to detect in his posts sufficient valid data to establish the validity of his theory. That's ok. So far at least, the same accusation can be made of my efforts. But Frank goes further and ridicules the theories of others while providing zero argument to support the validity of his ridicules. The above quoted response of his to Sofia is a simple but more than adequate example.
I am not trying to establish the validity of "my theory" -- I am merely telling you that I see no reason to assume that humans are born with rights - or that they are endowed with rights other than by endowing themselves with them through demand
Actually, this all started with me disagreeing with your contention that humans are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" -- and you have pared away most of the nonsense from your original thesis, but still are not able to concede that you are still all wet.
This is how most of your threads go - so it is to be expected.
Quote:In my case, Frank goes even further into the land of vacuity. He libels my past behaviors and he libels my intentions. On top of that his forecasts of what he thinks I will do lack the reliability of a 1 year old child predicting the probable consequences of sticking his finger in a live electric socket.
Yeah, I know - I know.
But early on back in the thread where you were still trying to establish that "the probability of God (you now call it an INTELLIGENCE necessary for evolution) is so great as to make the probability of noGod (things happening without a guiding INTELLIGENCE) virtually impossible"...
...I predicted that we would end up with you asserting that we have rights endowed on us in some way (with or without that God of yours).
I now predict that this is all heading toward a far-right wing conservative batch of nonsense about how you should be able to own guns if you choose -- that you have a right (it use to be a God given right) to own them -- and that you have a right (it use to be a God given right) to oppose what you consider "pernicious envy" in other humans that somehow erodes your wealth.
Quote:What my past behaviors, intentions and forecast behavior has to do with the validity of his theory is a question I am unable to answer. Perhaps Frank is unable to answer that also.
As I said, I am not interested in establishing the validity of what you see as "my theory." I am merely interested in telling anyone interested, that I see no reason to assume we are endowed with rights.
Since you seem intent on asserting that to be the case, we are at odds.
Quote:So I have fasioned a new theory about Frank's theory. Frank's theory is Frank's religion. Further it is Franks cult religion. It's ok for Frank to have created his own cult religion. However, he should own up to it and resist his "flowery speech meant to impress -- rather than to be logical."
Oh, yes, I know, I know, Ican. You have been interested in establishing that I have a religion for the last two years. You've even started threads over in ABUZZ which aim toward that -- and have mentioned in dozens of threads your thoughts on that issue.
For you to pretend that this is a new theory is so laughable, it is unfair. I hurt my ribs not too long ago, and any sustained laughing hurts like the dickens.
It took me a very long while to see through you, Ican, but as of now, you are as transparent as glass to me. You still argue very interesting topics -- and your presentations are well conceived -- and you make me exercise my brain like few other people have ever done.
But you are a person with a few grudges against society as it now operates in the United States -- and you will manufacture whatever you have to in order to in order to have your say about those things.
Why don't you cut to the chase?
Tell us about how people are envious - perniciously envious -- and how the government has to stop assisting some of the less fortunate among us because somewhere, somehow, somebody is liable to get something he/she ain't entitled to -- and that is the kind of thing that will eventually bring humanity down.
C'mon, Ican. Cut out all the other bullshit -- and get to that part.