Cephus wrote: Dear Chief Editor,
Please revise the entry for the word "asshole". Add a picture of Ican beside it. Thank you.
Main Entry: ass·hole
Pronunciation: 'as-"(h)Ol
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 usually vulgar : ANUS
2 a usually vulgar : a stupid, incompetent, or detestable person b usually vulgar : a despicable place -- usually used in the phrase asshole of the universe: e.g., ican711nm
ask and you shall receive

maybe :wink:
Main Entry: al·tru·ism
Pronunciation: 'al-tru-"i-z&m
Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter
Date: 1853
Date deleted 2003