It's finally clear to me that I am failing to communicate my actual thinking when I use different words to convey the same concepts to different people.

I'll stop doing that. I'll henceforth use the same words repeatedly to communicate my actual thinking.
I do not have sufficient valid data to warrant a guess whether God exists or not.
I do not have sufficient valid data to warrant a guess about what is a valid definition of God.
I do not have sufficient valid data to warrant a guess about what might God's role be in our universe, if God were to exist.
In order to simplify the presentation of my thinking, until what appears to me to be a more likely definition comes along, I choose to define God and the universe as the same thing. The universe evolved humans.
I think that there exist certain intrinsic and inherent human rights. Because these rights are intrinsic and inherent they are inalienable. They cannot be removed or transferred.
Main Entry: in·trin·sic
1 a : belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing <the intrinsic worth of a gem> <the intrinsic brightness of a star> b : being or relating to a semiconductor in which the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself instead of the content of any impurities it contains
2 a : originating or due to causes within a body, organ, or part <an intrinsic metabolic disease> b : originating and included wholly within an organ or part <intrinsic muscles>
Main Entry: in·her·ent
: involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : INTRINSIC
- in·her·ent·ly adverb
My reason for thinking this is better described in kuvasz's words than in my own words.
kuvasz wrote:The property of self-awareness and consciousness are biologically inherent in humans. And since self-awareness and consciousness predetermine rights, rights as a concept are biologically inherent in the human species because of the innate potential to perceive them. this is why society protects infants. it is the potential for self-awareness and consciousness inherent in the infant that is recognized as worthy of it having rights.
One might legitimately ask: What rights are intrinsic and inherent in all humans, and therefore inalienable? I think that among the rights intrinsic and inherent in all humans are the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Without life, humans cannot be conscious and self-aware. Without liberty, humans cannot honorably exercise their full range of capabilities which are also inherent and intrinsic. Without the pursuit of happiness, humans are deprived of adequate motivation to use their intelligence for more than merely achieving survival. In the case of many humans, without the right to pursue happiness, they don't even have adequate motivation to attempt survival.
Failure on any one's part to acknowledge their own rights risks their enjoying their rights and risks precluding their acknowledgement of the the same rights of others. Failure to acknowledge rights precludes taking the liberty to work to secure those rights. Failure to secure rights risks precluding the right to enjoy, practice, apply and benefit from having those rights. In effect, failure to acknowledge intrinsic and inherent rights renders those rights a form of dormant unused human potential.
We must recognize the fundamental principle that any right acknowledged by any human as his intrinsic and inherent right, is simultaneously acknowledged as intrinsic and inherent in all humans. Full application of this principle will probably discourage, through enlightened mutual self-interest, the acknowledgment of rights that contradict other rights already acknowledged as intrinsic and inherent in others, as well as in oneself.
In order to secure rights, one must join with others to form or amend the power of government to prevent some from usurping the rights of others. In order to secure rights it is necessary to acknowledge the same rights of others.
More opportunity for discussion about securing rights will soon to be created in a concurrent forum.