Sat 22 Sep, 2007 10:48 pm
At the request of Pdawg and because i'm interested as well
Quote:So it's pretty clear cut (I suppose) that steroids is "cheating" (though not if everybody else is doing it; then it's just stupid).
Is this guy cheating?
he's not taking steroids, is he? i'd say let him at it... it's hard to say he has an advantage... he slaved forever to get where he's at. Meh.
Taken to its exteeme able bodied athletes may have to compete against Robots sporting hydraulic powered legs/arms.
It may not raise the bar for competition, but it certainly could raise the ante to compete.
Which makes me rethink my thoughts on steroids. It just should be clear that either everybody's on or everybody's off, so it's a level playing field.
A league is steroid-positive or steroid-negative. It's prosthetic/implant-positive or it's prosthetic/implant-negative. Me, I'd watch the negative leagues. More interesting. Less muscle, more savvy.
A couple of years ago the "main man" for drug testing in the US was science guy from (I think) a university in Indiana. I saw an interview with him in which he said that "nobody watching this right now, will ever see a completely clean, drug free sporting competition in their lifetime" or words to that effect. Why not let them all take them? If they want to die at the age of 38 like Flo Jo, who are we to stop them?
I've always had some concern about athletes who are carrying a minor injury use pain killers to allow them to take the field.
Surely this is performance enhancing.
We all compete within our own class and level. If the body my parents gave me wont compete at a desired level can I have it modified to allow me to compete at a higher level?
If the steel springs this chap has fitted don't allow him to compete at a desired level should he be allowed to manufacture hydraulic legs that do?
Persons in wheelchairs race other persons in wheelchairs.
Persons wearing shoes race other persons wearing shoes.
Persons wearing (fill in the mechanical device of your choice) race persons wearing that same device)
Joe(off to my morning run)Nation