Sglass, I don't believe it's as simple as saying "love or money"
What is love? Sexual excitment? Compatability? There's all sorts of emotions and circumstances that could be called "love". Humans have such long lives compared to other animals, a long term love relationship for us might very well consist of simply getting along, enjoying each others company, and knowing when to give the other partner space.
Money? Are you talking Anna Nicole Smith/J. Howard Marshall money? Or one person seeing that the other has the capacity to bring in a steady flow of what is needed to sustain life and trade for a warm place to sleep?
Or even the ability to go out and successfully hunt down what will be needed to feed and clothes themselves and offspring?
In addition, asking if a woman marries for money seems to make the assumption the woman does not have any of her own. What if the woman already has her own money? Would she marry someone else wiyh a lot, or someone with less?
Thinking about what I said above about having an older mate die, and leaving the woman with young to raise on her own, and maybe risking their welfare by having a stepfather onto the scene.....perhaps this is the downside of living so long, and having offspring that take years and years to mature.
If I were an ape, it might at first glance look like it would be a better deal for my future children to mate with a young, strong male. However, it's probably wiser to choose one that is older, still strong, but maybe not as strong as a young male, but has the experience and maturity to more than make up for the younger apes somewhat superior strength.
I can raise several generations of young with this male, before he becomes too old to be a good provider. In turn, I provide him with the assurance his gene pool doesn't die out.
Today though, it just takes way too many years to bring a human to the point where they can get along on their own. Physically, a human could take care of themselves by...oh, 14, 15...maybe younger. However, adulthood is delayed more and more with education, internships, etc.
I've said this before, but this is my take on personal cut off point for finding a man attractive is 40 and above. I'm a bit older than 40 myself now, but observing men, I generally don't find them all that interesting under that age.
If you "find" a man who is young, but also has maturity and some wisdom...he will always be that way. The thing is, there are less mature, wise young men around (in general). No insult intended, there's a lot to learn to become a viable human.
If you find a man who is young, but an A-hole, he might be mature and wiser when he reaches 40, but who has time to waste waiting for that? He might still be an A-hole.
Now, if a man is 40 and an A-hole, well, you know that's how he is, and will always be, and you needn't waste your time.
If he's 40 and mature and wise, well, he might always have been that way, or he might have been an A-hole at one time, but he's matured and become wiser, and that's what counts.
Anyway, I think there's a lot of people around that are confused as to what they should consider as a sucessful mate, both male and female.
Unfortunately, because both genders are confused, they are not able to articulate to others what a good life companion for them would be. So, because others are (again, in general) unable to give us cues as to what type of human we should grow to be to attract a mature, wise mate (male or female), many of us a floundering around, not maturing, not becoming wise.
I believe if people, from an early age both made their carefully thought out expectations clear, and listened to what others say are their carefully thought out expectations, all relationships would be more successful.
Ask someone, especially someone 25 or younger, what they are looking for in a life partner. Chances are you will get some nebulous replies. I can only speak for women, but the most common thing you will hear another woman say is that she would like to be with someone "nice" or "funny" or "someone I can have fun with"
Well, there's some high goals.
I'm not criticizing, it wasn't until I was 30 that I had a glimmering of what I would want in a mate, and not for a few more years that I could really appreciate it.
I'm speaking from the viewpoint of an American white woman here, but I noticed something really important, listening to black female commediens, and actresses. I've heard lines in comedy routines and movies where a black woman says she just met a "wonderful man" and the first question that gets asked is "Does he have a job"
Yeah....what makes a person wonderful? you have a job? Do you have what it takes for the long haul?
So, in answer to or money question....It's amazing how well 2 people "love" each other when they get along pretty well, can share a laugh, be comfortable in each others silence, and they are both productive, i.e. through employment or other means of being mature members of society.