vikorr wrote:Quote:I believe in absolute truth, not relative truth.
Kate, there is a passage in Romans somewhere, where Paul says words to the effect of "One man believes it is wrong to eat meat, and for him it is wrong, while another believes it is okay to eat meat, and for him it is okay."
That's not the same thing. Paul was speaking about meat sacrificed to idols. He reasoned that, since the idols were nothing, it would not be wrong for a Christian to eat such meat. But some Christians, especially newly converted ones, might be disturbed by the practice nevertheless. He cautioned his brothers not to stumble such ones by insisting on their right to eat such meat.
In my case, although it is not improper for me to partake of alcoholic beverages, I never do so in the presence of any who might abhor such practice because of former alcoholism or just plain misunderstanding of the scriptures.