Wed 22 Aug, 2007 06:02 am
I have been hearing that a new Star Trek movie is under way or soon to be commenced. It is evidently set in the 'early' days when Kirk, Spock and company were young.
I think Gary Sinese would be perfect as Dr McCoy. Whenever I see him on film I think he is a younger version of DeForest Kelly.
Does anyone else in A2K land have an actor in mind that reminds them of another actor?

Yes, I think Jessica Alba could be the daughter of Phoebe Cates.
I was convinced she had to be some relative to Cates, but, apparantly not.
Maggie Smith and Zoe Caldwell. They play the same role in different productions on stage, and are sometimes interchanged when a play becomes a film.
Chai, yes it is about look-alikes. But lately it seems not a day goes by without a story about Alba and I was just spouting off.
Please please please forgive me for going off topic for just a second. I am so sorry.
back on topic:
Chad Everett and Clint Eastwood look slightly similar in those old pics, but NOW they really look alike. Plus, they even sound alike!
happycat wrote:Chai, yes it is about look-alikes. But lately it seems not a day goes by without a story about Alba and I was just spouting off.
Please please please forgive me for going off topic for just a second. I am so sorry.
back on topic:
Chad Everett and Clint Eastwood look slightly similar in those old pics, but NOW they really look alike. Plus, they even sound alike!
how about posting some pics?
Hugh Jackman-Clint Eatwood
Owen Wilson-Dennis Hopper
Brad Pitt-Robert Redford
I believe the powers that be in the acting world are consciously trying to replace old with new.
I have heard actors say that a Hollywood career has five stages. For example:
1. Who is Robert Redford?
2. Get me Robert Redford!
3. Get me a Robert Redford type!
4. Get me a young "Robert Redford".
5. Who is Robert Redford?
hey material girl, you're right, Dennis Hopper and Owen Wilson to really resemble each other!
Ok, correct me if I am wrong, but were these two separated at birth?
Can I call them or what?
What the fock is your avatar all about, Chai?
Thanks for directing me to that thread, Chai. Not only was it humorous, but I now know where the dreaded peolple hang out.
No, I get those two, Wilson and Arquette, mixed up too.