Fri 17 Aug, 2007 12:52 pm
I burnt two CDs in my iTunes to bring and copy them to my work computer. I make a playlist, choose to burn a CD, see how each song is copying... then I bring them to work, and there's nothing on them. Yet I clearly see that *something* is burnt on the CD - you know how you can see that, kinda like on an LP..... am i missing any step? does anyone use iTunes to burn CDs? should i just do it in Windows (write the files to CD). I think I also have Sony record, but i never ended up using it... took always too long to get to the burning part. i don't have patience for that program....
eh. i guess i'll bring them back home and see if i can play them from my computer, in which case it could also be a CD drive on this computer....
Not sure what I want out of this post....i guess just any advice that jumps out.
I don't use iTunes but a quick reading of several blogs shows that you aren't the only person having problems. In particular there are many references to problems burning Audio CDs with iTunes on Windows PCs.
ah ok. so it's not just me being an idiot. that's kinda reassuring. it does *something*, but then obviously gives up on me. And then I cannot listen to my Citizen Cope at work
I use iTunes to burn CDs.
What I do: create a new folder, name the folder and put the songs from
my playlist into the folder. Then I'll burn the CD - it works for me!
I am just re-checking and yes, that's how I do it.
Does anyone else recognize that Gargol Bordello's "Start wearing purple"
and My CHemical Romance's "Mama" is very similar?

that's precisely what i was doing. not sure "where the dog is burried" (as we slovaks say)
gotta check out the other one. LOVE Gogol's Bordello. MUST see them live. I must!