Acquiunk, that
sucks. I hope justice is served, through and through.
OK, people, now I have a question for you.
I am on this committee that is incredibly frustrating in terms of not giving credit where credit is due. The nature of the beast, right? I've been letting it slide, largely, (there have been many, many instances) and am wondering what to do in this situation:
We have a totally putrid website that is only half filled-in, but the one person who has her part finished has been going and advertising the website everywhere -- her specific section, yes, but doesn't take much for people to investigate the site a bit, find all the inoperative links. (Craven, bless his heart, offered to make a decent website for us, gratis, but the guy who's doing it is deaf and, well, for whatever reason the chair of the committee wouldn't consider it. Stew stew stew.
Anyway, 2 parts to my current dilemma/ gripe. The chair asked everyone to submit the verbiage for their section, and I did so almost right away. I wrote everything I knew, and a draft of what I didn't know so that the people who did know could fill that part in. (I'm the fundraising person, and can say things like "Other items available for sponsorship include interpreting services", but need the chair, business manager or interpreter coordinator to tell me interpreting services cost to put that next to the item.)
So, it's been a couple of weeks now since I submitted my draft straight to the chair, rather than on the committee message board, as per her request, and the person who is spreading the website far and wide is being very strident about "Why isn't anyone else doing anything???" The chair, though she has addressed the subject, hasn't mentioned that at least I have done my part. That's kind of whatever.
However, I checked out the website recently and there was some really bad stuff on it -- the registration page says, and I quote, "Registering for [event] is very easy blah blah."
Obviously, it was meant to be a draft that would then be improved upon, but
people are looking at those pages. I think that needs to be changed, IMMEDIATELY, and am happy to supply the replacement verbiage (just a paragraph or two.)
My question is do I:
1.) Submit replacement verbiage directly to the chair, as that will save her some embarrassment and she has previously asked that those kinds of things (generally) go to her
2.) Submit replacement verbiage to the group message board, for her to see but also everyone else, as I am 99% sure that if I submit it straight to the chair, it will be plonked into place with no mention of who wrote it. However, chair may be a bit cheesed.
(Lots of exposition for a rather straightforward problem, sorry. Realized it didn't make much sense without the background.)