Sat 2 Aug, 2003 01:59 pm
Love's Reflection
The image she carries
baked in like sunburn
the weight of memory
You can trace the lines, there
across her shoulders
Innocence is fair
Wavering promise
Perfectly senseless
Stridently reckless
Silence consumes her
Under her chin
She holds a buttercup
pulubear. Welcome to the word "tracing" Have used it myself, on occasion. "Under her chin...a buttercup."...
falling off into a dream.....................................................
Thank you Letty. Does the core idea of unrequited love come through?
pulubear, I was taken by the imagery, but I do get the allusion that this naive young woman has been used and discarded by a former lover.
Hi pulubear, welcome! I think it is a very very good poem, but I like it for it's imagery, brevity, and for being enigmatic. Your original idea about unrequited love is not overtly clear, but the strength of the poem is that it speaks on more than one level. Good work!
Your positive comments are appreciated. You've encouraged me to post another poem. Cavfancier - I see we hail from the same town, eh! I appreciate brevity too and will one of these days try my hand at Haiku.
Oh, my Gawd. Another Canadian, and a poet at that.